Thursday, February 25, 2010


Dear All,
I have come upon unjustice/ something unjust. This young fella, Øystein K. Dyb, a real crack-headed fella, with his feet on the ground and his mind frim like a lizard in the desert, has edited a sweety-pie little entry for a cometion and is looosing to some aweful internet dudes. That crew is aint no friends of mine. If you understand my cryped english. Anyways, these kids made this thing and its a'aight, but it's a fuck load better than the shit above them. That is unjust. Re-set the world balance by voting once a day with all your identities at

A lecture on justice will be held in the future in my private chambers. Please feel free join at anu point during the third eclipsis of orions' 47th star.



Monday, February 8, 2010

New Webpage, New Zine

People of the world,

III are currently updating their webpage and naturally, Anger Managment's pages have been redone (slightly). The site was down for a stupidly long time, but they have seemed to collect their brains from the floor and started working on it again. The results are pleasuring so far. This means you can again download pdfs of all AMs published so far.

On that note, AM # 1 of the new decade, possibly one of confusion and intense creativity, where nothing is what it seems, is on it's way and will be done very soon. I give you my promise.

Please check the shit out here, here, and here. And here..

and here.

PLAM! (peace, love and anger management)
-Richard Tarskovski.