Monday, June 16, 2008

The Fourth Issue of Anger Management

Here's some good news for you all; the long-awaited fourth issue of Anger Management is finally finished! Along with the good ol' blazin dirt, it features words on a new band, new comic A Lost Hope, what happens when Eyore finds his tail, how to make a pinhole camera and lost of other mindfuzzing pages of awesomeness. Recommended by III. Ask anyone.

It's on pdf for those that want it now (email your address and we'll send you a copy or check the facebook group "The Anger Management Army") and soon on selective locations on the streets of Oslo, Norway and Toronto, Canada.

Peace, love and anger management
-Richard Tarskovski.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Some uncontrolable march news.

The long awaited issue of Anger Management is coming out at the end of this month. It's gonna contain all styles of purly new comix, words on pinhole photography, what's happenin in this world, art shit and some critcally good words about this and that. Keep checkin back for news on where to get a issue.

Peace, love and anger management.